Cover of the book Teddy and Stanley's Tall Tale
In a world of craziness, even dogs need some sanity. Look no further! You've just found the world's first bedtime story for dogs! Narrated by British actor Simon Callow, the free audiobook titled Teddy and Stanley's Tall Tale was scientifically developed to calm and relax stressed pets. It was created to help ease the stress of dogs on the days leading up to Nov. 5 on Bonfire Night (in the UK) due to firework displays. Elsewhere, such as the US, it can be a wonderful tool to calm your stressed pooch on any given day.
Pet behaviorist Karen Wild advised on the audiobook project and helped to craft the “precise words, sounds, frequencies and speech patters,” that Callow used, according to the Daily Mail. Also, Wild “Pinpointed the canine-friendly cadence, lengths of sounds, intensities, volumes, frequencies and pitch that will capture a dog's attention. “Certain sounds as inherently calming for a dog.“To ensure the story would work, it was created using scientific evidence based on research of the canine mind and their sense of hearing

British actor Simon Callow narrates the World's First Bedtime Story for Dogs
Many years of scientific research in dog behavior with "proven animal psychology techniques, signals and bioacoustics” have been incorporated into the making of this bedtime story for dogs.The book is described as a “heart-warming” story about a dog named Stanley, a towering dog and Teddy, his small friend. Dog owners who choose to read the story to their dog(s) is advised to tell the story as if they are “talking to a two-year old child, as if the child is rather shy.” Further instructions are to: “Adapt your normal style to sound ‘interested', whispery, and as if you really like them, perhaps speaking with a smile.” Also, repeating the audio story will help calm your dog. The FREE audio and pdf version of the book is made possible by More Than Pet Insurance (UK based) and can be downloaded at the following links by clicking here for the FREE pdf book and by clicking here for the FREE audio version of the book.
click here to watch the audiobook: Source: Daily Mail | More Than Pet Insurance