
World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride Circuits

Posted on the 06 July 2023 by Deepak Sharma

1. Ceuta to Marrakesh loop, Morocco (2500km)

World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride CircuitsCueta to Marrakesh Loops

This route place you through amazing ancient Kasbahs (citadels), souks (bazaars) and desert cultures. The ride starts from ferry at Ceuta to the wild rif mountains at Fez, to mesmerizing Atlas mountains which remain snow capped during winters and finally ends at Sahara at Erfoud. The second of the loop is even more alluring for riders with Steep gorges of Todra river, palm groves of  Ouarzazate and the imperial city of Marrakesh. Beyond, the Tizi n’Test Pass runs down to the Atlantic coast at Agadir. It’s two days from here on tarmac to Casablanca, and another 300 kilometers (200 miles approx) via Tangiers to Ceuta.

 Ceuta- Rabat-Fes-Erfoud-Todra-Marrakesh-Casablanca-Ceuta

2. Pyrenees Loop (2,400 kilometers, Bilbao-Biarritz)

Full of scenic beauty circuit with mind blowing hair pin loops makes this loop as one of the most attractive circuit for bikers. It starts from Bilbao taking N-260 (also known as Eje Pirenaico- The Pyrenaean Axis) twists to reach Seu d’Urgell 20km from Andorra.

World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride Circuits
The views from the observation deck at Andorra’s Mirador Roc Del Quer.

Entering back to Spain at Bourg-Madame and coiling down to Ripoli. One can spare time to visit Dali Museum at Figueres which is another 100km from Ripoli.

Enjoy the narrow passes along D117 from Perpignan to Col d’Aspin. Enjoy firther the grin inducing bends to Biarritz.

Bilbao-La Seu d’Urgell- Andorra- Bourg-Madame-Figueres-Perpignan- Col d’Aspin-Biarritz.

3. The Great Ocean Road- 243km Torquay to Warrnambool, Australia

The Great Ocean Road starts at Torquay and travels westward to finish at Allansford near Warrnambool. The road hugs coastline affectionately known as the Surf Coast between Torquay and Cape Otway and the Shipwreck Coast further west of Cape Otway, providing visibility of Bass Strait and the Southern Ocean. The road traverses rainforests, as well as beaches and cliffs.

World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride Circuits
The Great Ocean Roads
PC: Shutterstock

4. Dales and Moors, Yorkshire, England – 270miles

The Yorkshire Dales

From Devil’s Bridge to the Buttertubs Pass, from Tan Hills Inn to B6255 Yorkshire Dales will leave you spellbound with its nascent and refreshing sceneries.

World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride Circuits
The Buttertubs Pass

The Yorkshire Moors

The ride starts from Scarborough which is Britains’s first seaside resort, then you take A171 to Whitby. Welcome to the Moors.

A171 being a classic biking route, it is impossible not to enjoy riding on this track. But to explore some hidden gems turn to B1416 to reach Falling Foss Tea Garden. Steep roads with amazing hairpins ahead of Falling Foss towards Littlebeck will keep you on your toes.

Emerging from the littlebeck valley take A169 to Goathand, beware of free grazing sheep, the Moors are famous for.

Riding through Thornton Le Dale, Sledmere reach Oliver’s Mount. All the great of motorcyling have ridden here. Agustini, Surtees, Duke, the Dunlops, from Joey to nephew Michael, even Barry Sheene, they all loved Oliver’s Mount. 

5. Pamir, Tajiskistan- The Roof of the World

World’s Best – Motorcycle Ride Circuits

Embarking on a motorcycle journey to the Pamir region feels like a thrilling dance between man and machine against the backdrop of Earth’s grandeur. As you navigate the winding roads that snake through towering peaks, your senses are awakened by the crisp mountain air and the awe-inspiring vistas. The Pamir Highway, often referred to as the “Roof of the World,” presents a rugged and breathtaking landscape that tests both your riding skills and your spirit of adventure. With each twist and turn, you’re rewarded with panoramic views of snow-capped summits, serene lakes, and remote villages that seem untouched by time. It’s a journey that transcends the ordinary, connecting you with the primal forces of nature and reminding you of the sheer magnitude of our planet’s beauty.

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