Lifestyle Magazine

Workspace Wishlist // Five Stylish Essentials

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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I’m a proper office worker these days with a desk, an in trays and everything. And now that I’ve settled in, and accumulated my share of files and papers, it’s time to add that personal touch to my workspace.

So here’s five things I need to keep my work life on track … and stylish.

  • Always have a pen handy by keeping them corralled in a stylish holder  / less is more
  • A colourful rubbish bin ~ in lime green please / dorm co
  • For all those notes and papers ~  a desk catch-all   / light and ladder
  • And for a bit of fun ~ sushi sticky notes! / spoon and tango
  • Forget the plastic bottle. Stay hydrated with a water bottle and glass /  kikki.k

And the one thing I really need ~ to keep my desk clean, organised and productive! Tips from Time Management Ninja

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