Philosophy Magazine

Workshop ‘Fundamentality in Physics and Metaphysics’: Geneva, 29-30 May 2018

By Wuthrich

The Metaphysics of Time and its Occupants ( SNSF project is glad to present the upcoming

‘Fundamentality in Physics and Metaphysics’ Workshop
29th-30th May, 2018
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Provisional program:

Day 1: 29th
Ricky Bliss (Leigh): Fundamentality
Kit Fine (NYU): Foundations of Causal Modelling
Kelly Trodgdon (Virginia Tech): Full and Partial Grounding
Jennifer Wang (Simon Fraser): Fundamental Counterparts

Day 2: 30th
Valia Allori (Northern Illinois): Fundamental Ontology with No Fundamental Properties
Karen Crowther (Geneva): When do we stop digging? Conditions on a Fundamental Theory of Physics
Andreas Hütterman (Köln): Fundamental Physics and Ontological Priority
Matteo Morganti (Rome 3): Metaphysical Coherentism

More information at

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