Finance Magazine

Working Through the Freezer - No Spend

By Sue15cat
Working Through the Freezer - No Spend
All through this month of No Send/Low Spend my main aim is to run down the freezers and the cupboards, but the freezers are the main priority.  By emptying the one in the kitchen first I can start to move things from the large chest freezer to this one, with the aim that by the end of the month we will be able to switch off the chest freezer.   Usually if you're being self sufficient the chest freezer is one of your biggest allies, holding lots of the fruit and veg harvested through the Summer and Autumn to last you, as far as possible, until the Spring and the start of the main growing season.  Luckily for us, in some ways that is, this year we haven't got this huge glut to store mainly because we have hardly grown anything, because as soon as we get the planning permission through the roof is coming off the conservatory (where the freezer is situated) so it will need to be turned off and covered over.   Working Through the Freezer - No Spend
As you can see from the top picture this freezer is pretty full, mostly with picked berries, homemade soups and the odd bag of veggies.   The drawers are full of bargain 'yellow stickered' things and some veggie options, Quorn etc .... and despite my usual careful labelling there are a couple of UFOs  (unidentifiable freezer objects)   Working Through the Freezer - No Spend   Once I have really made inroads in this freezer I will restock it from the other one and continue in this fashion until I can pull the plug on the chest freezer.  I wonder if I can do it in just a month?
Working Through the Freezer - No Spend   I've made a start by taking out a tub of homemade Tomato and Pepper soup for lunch today, it's sat on top of the Aga thawing out nicely.  One down lots to go.   :-)   Working Through the Freezer - No Spend   And here is your doggy picture for today.   Mavis out Blackberrying with me this morning, looking and I think feeling a lot better.  She has her waggy tail back when you talk to her which is always a good sign.  The other dogs were with us too but they were all off the lead and running around doing their own things.  The sheep have been moved from the paddock to the triangular field so now we are free to wander our paddock again, I did walk the dogs in there while the sheep were in residence but it just seems so much easier with no gate panels to lift and shift each time I need to go into the field.   Sue xx

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