Mums who work are healthier than stay at home mums a new study has revealed.
Researchers from the University of Akron and Penn State University studied 2,540 women who became mums between 1978 and 1995, examining their employment history. The Telegraph reports.
Working Mums Are Healthier Than Stay At Home Mums
It seems that mothers who work full time are of better health. I am not greatly surprised to find that the study also concluded that mothers who went back to work full time after having a baby also showed better health, both physically and mentally. I will always say that being away from home and working is easier than being at home all day with young children.
Professor Adrianne Frech said: “Work is good for your health, both mentally and physically.
“It gives women a sense of purpose, self-efficacy, control and autonomy. They have a place where they are an expert on something, and they’re paid a wage.”
While I agree to some extent from personal experience I found it incredibly difficult to return to full time work after the birth of my own children and this consumed me with guilt. While I enjoyed my career I did feel I was not being a great mother. My head and heart were pulled in opposite directions.
I agree that full time employment gives mothers a more settled and safe environment whereas part time work brings a lower salary and less chances of getting up that career ladder.
“If women can make good choices before their first pregnancy, they likely will be better off health-wise later. Examples of good choices could be delaying your first birth until you’re married and done with your education, or not waiting a long time before returning to the workforce.”
Young women should get an education and build up a work history before having a child, she advises.
“Work makes you healthier. You will have the opportunity to save a nest egg. Also, should a divorce happen, it is harder to enter the workforce if you don’t have a solid work history. Don’t give up on work and education.”
I do at times wish that I had started my career before I had my children, it would have been easier to have had money in the bank and a home set up but then I wonder if it is because of my children that I now have a high desire to do all I can with my life, be a positive role model and want to succeed because they have given me the determination to better my life so it betters theirs.
Do you believe that working mums are healthier than stay at home mums?