I'm still a little self-conscious about my midsection. It's seen much better days as I've been to the gym approximately once in the past three months and spent most of the session looking through baby D's photos. I no longer have abs and can feel my stomach jiggle all the way. It's not so noticeable when I'm wearing a dress but trying to squeeze into pants is a negotiation battle that I've been losing. Badly. But then came this outfit.
The jacket's peplum pleats perfectly hides all that I want to hide. It's a post-partum tummy camouflage disguised as a chic work jacket. I like pairing it with my new bell bottoms as the pants elongate and further thin out my frame. The pants are super soft with great stretch so I can wear them now and when (if) I shed all the baby weight. Together, it's a tailored look that's secretly ridiculously comfortable.
{shop my bishop + young favs}