Debate Magazine

Words of Wisdom from Saint Therese

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


The following is attributed to St. Therese:

“As you live your human life upon the earth, you will say to yourself, ‘Am I pleasing my Jesus?’

“Many must earn their daily bread. All must earn their daily bread upon the earth. In doing this they will do this with honor. Of the hours you awaken to, you will say, ‘this day I give to please my God.’ In this manner you will be directed in the light.

“You have all received in your Baptism the opportunity to attain the Kingdom. The road is very simple to follow. You do not look for recognition among men. You look to please your God. You try to please your God. For if you try to find recognition and the approval of man on earth, you are doomed to great sorrow. For all the hours, the waking hours of your life on earth must be with one purpose in mind – that you are working your way back to the Kingdom.”

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