Destinations Magazine

Wordless Wednesday: Bill’s Clockworks in Flora

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

I think clock shops are just about the neatest places! Bill's Clockworks in Flora, Indiana is so chock full of clocks that anyone can find something to make their walls sing! Or, um, chime. He has clocks that are incredibly old and clocks that are brand new. There are clocks that are taken apart and in the process of getting repaired in the workshop portion of his shop. That's what fascinated Kid #1!

Well, that and the collection of smaller clocks. He has since tinkered with taking clocks apart for himself to see how they worked. It wouldn't be such a horrible project if he could get them put back together! Still, I love that a random wandering led us to a shop that has inspired him to think a little and to try something new.

Wall clocks, mantel clocks, anniversary clocks, nostalgia clocks: it's all here, tick-tocking away! Please do make a stop at Bill's Clockworks in Flora. It's a unique little shop. I think you'll really enjoy poking around all these shelves-and you might even find a new addition for your living room! I plan on making a return trip and letting the oldest pick out an actual clock for his room. He had so many great clocks that would be the perfect size for a nightstand! The kid will love. Supporting local is always worth the trip.

Bill's Clockworks in Flora

Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I'm Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!

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