Yes dead trees, the locals look for dead trees in the forest or those remains from logging. “Root parts” are the main materials being used to configure such as Sala sets, dining tables and etc. “The Roots are more durable than the lumber.”the local said . They excavate and dig the roots of those big dead trees and they are going to clean it. “It is more difficult to get it compare to the lumber wherein you can buy it” the local added. The final outputs are displayed outside just along the highway on the said Barangay.

Truly that you need to be creative in creating those furniture because you need to figure out on how to configure a set of chairs using uneven forms of the woods from the roots. But the imagination of the locals is really excellent while staring those finished products. It was amazing form of art. “Some tourist bought here and they bring it by their own vehicles”, the owner narrated. Since Brgy Jabuyo is a remote place, delivery is the number one problem. Buyers tend to choose this kind of artworks because of the artistic look and the materials are very indigenous. Narra and Kamagong are some of the wood being used; those trees nowadays are endangered variety due to the fact that loggers love this kind of trees because of its durability and permanence

Moreover, products are perfect for outdoor set up like garden and landscapes because of its durability, in fact it can sustain even during rainy days. The set is also advisable for resorts’ owner due its exotic approach and it can add a distinct detail. This is recommendable as well to those exotic restaurants because the designs are very pleasant visually in proportion to the motif of the business (like Balaw-Balaw Restaurant in Angono Rizal).

Personally, I really appreciate these things because it reflects the skills of the Filipino on how to create an innovative thing from out of nothing. Imagine, from the roots to quality furniture. Amazing