When we are weighed down and weary from human wickedness, we need a reminder that there is a Universe beyond our petty little world, which is more glorious and wondrous than we can ever imagine.
Every year in mid-December, we earthlings are treated to the Geminid meteor shower, touted by scientists as the most “intense” shower of the year.
According to NASA, the shower produces as many as 120 meteors per hour in dark sites under clear weather. The shower lasts for days, and can be seen without a telescope from your own backyard if you live away from the urban lights of cities.
“The Geminids are my favorite,” said NASA astronomer Bill Cooke on the agency’s website, “because they defy explanation.”
This year the Geminid Shower peaked between Dec. 13 and 14.
Here’s a breathtaking video made of the Geminid Shower of December 12-14, 2010. Make sure you watch this in full screen mode!
H/t FOTM’s WildBillAlaska