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Wonder Woman Series Getting Closer With CW’s Amazon!

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

CW's Amazon 2013 - Wonder WomanWord is that The CW has a new pilot in the works that could make comic book fans very happy… or very mad.

AMAZON is the working title for the upcoming (hopefully) live action Wonder Woman television series that would follow in the footsteps of past hit, Smallville and current series, Arrow.

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman - 1975 to 1979
While bringing the Amazon Princess to the small screen isn’t a new idea, it is an idea that hasn’t had any luck/strength in execution since the original series ran from 1975 to 1979.

However, this new series looks like it may be willing to try something new and go with an origin type series rather than a full blown Wonder Woman as an adult show. I think I like that idea, and maybe that is directly related to the success of Smallville and the fact that I am enjoying Arrow on a weekly basis now.

Casting rumors have been hot and heavy for The CW’s new undertaking and 1 name seems to be appearing over and over again after 2 rounds of auditions.

Amy Manson. Mason is a UK born actress who has appeared in Misfits, Being Human, and Torchwood. It bodes well for her to have the experience and also not to be a household name in the US or a face that will remind viewers of previous characters. While we like to fantasize about our favorite well known actresses playing famous roles like this, it’s kind of awesome to have a lesser known name filling the spot and making it their own. 

This is what was sent out as the original casting sheet for The CW’s ‘Amazon’:
She comes from a remote, secluded country and until now has spent most of her life as a soldier and a leader on the battlefield. Because of relentless brutality of her life at home, Iris looks at our world with absolute awe and astonishment. She’s delighted ­and just as often horrified ­ by the aspects of everyday life that we take for granted: skyscrapers, traffic, ice cream. It’s all new and fascinating and sometimes slightly troubling ­to her.

Iris is completely unschooled in our world, our culture, our customs. And she’s completely inexperienced at interpersonal relationships. She has no social filter, does not suffer fools, and tends to do and say exactly what’s on her mind at all times. She’s bluntly, refreshingly honest. She can tell when you’re lying to her. And she doesn’t have time or patience for politics or tact because she’s too busy trying to experience everything our world has to offer.

There are too many sights to see ­and things to learn ­and people to care for. Hers is a true, noble, and generous heart. And she will fight and die for the people she loves. Iris is a fierce warrior with the innocent heart of a romantic ­and she will fight to the death to make the world safe for innocents and true romantics everywhere.

While the name Iris isn’t traditional, it sounds a lot like the Wonder Woman that we saw in the animated feature from 2009. And I’m okay with that because I really enjoyed that movie. It’s a character that has a lot of opportunity for development and growth and a long, successful series run.

Here’s hoping that The CW can get a script it likes and a cast that the audience loves.

Rumor is that we could see Amazon on TV as early as this fall – that would be pretty great.

My fingers are crossed. I hope yours are too!

Amy Manson as Wonder Woman - Amazon 2013

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