Fashion Magazine

Wonder Wednesday: Interiors

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
Wonder Wednesday: InteriorsVirginia Woolf once famously (or infamously, depending on your point of view) wrote that a woman could never reach her full potential without "a room of ones own". While the strong independent part of me wants to rally against the the majority of what she was implying, part of me knows that finally having a space where I can feel safe, secure and happy in will make all the difference in the world for me and my quality of life.
Basically there are six more days until we can start moving in, and I am rather impatient about it!
I have been collecting color swatches like a squirrel collects nuts in anticipation for being able to decorate our new space. I know that I want color, a statement chair, and understated elegance (whatever that means...). I also want to work in metalics, but still want to have the overall atmosphere feeling warm and "not stuck up". 
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
The space that we are going to be relocating to is more than twice the size of where we have been living for the last three and half years. Our new place will be filled with copious amounts of natural light, new carpet, a babbling creek under our balcony, and we will have beautiful views of the lush green hills behind us. The place also comes with a pool, spa and gym on the property. I can walk (safely) to nearby shopping and grocery stores. To put the cherry on top, I also get to paint the walls! (I even talked Fermin into a four poster canopy bed.)
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
I'm sensing a theme of hues of yellows and blues. I also know that I want to work in shades of cantaloupe, purple, rich rosés and chartreuse. I want our new home to be colorful, but still sophisticated. I'm completely overwhelmed with ideas, and the urge to go nuts with my saving account is staggering. To be honest, this interior obsession has completely numbed my clothes habit. Can you imagine?
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
Wonder Wednesday: Interiors
I think it's official: I am obsessed with chartreuse.
Wonder Wednesday: InteriorsPhotobucket

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