Fashion Magazine

With Guns Hidden Under Our Petticoats.

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie

With guns hidden under our petticoats.Is anyone else obsessed with The 1975's incredibly catchy song 'Chocolate'? - I'm constantly singing it, hence the title of this post! I'm in a rather chirpy mood today. I think the slightest bit of sun we've had has lifted my mood massively, even though it's still freezing. Obviously I'll add a jacket and my trust Creepers if I go outside... I've been to work this morning and two of my friends are coming round later for a catch up and a cuppa so here's a super lazy and carefree outfit that I'm wearing today. I'm still pretty awful at taking outfit pictures as you can't really tell but my leggings are in fact purple velvet, but anyway, I'll get better I promise!
With guns hidden under our petticoats.With guns hidden under our petticoats.Vest - Vintage // Velvet Leggings - Topshop // Chain - Topshop // Lipstick in 'Showbiz'* - 17
What do you think of this outfit? Thanks for reading, let me know!Megan xxx
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