Books Magazine

Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde Collected by Cecil Hewetson

By W B Gooderham @wb_gooderham

Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde collected by Cecil Hewetson

Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde collected by Cecil Hewetson

M, handsome,

Consider which of these most applies to you. You’ll recognize the last of all as being mine.

Get well soon: the gods of illness are cruelly undiscriminating.

Love J

Jan 77

[Presuming J is referring to the contents of the book, the last quotation reads “The aim of the liar is simply to charm, to delight, to give pleasure. He is the very basis of civilized society.” WG]

Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde collected by Cecil Hewetson

Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde collected by Cecil Hewetson

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