Drink Magazine

WinterGlow IPA – Stanley Park Brewery

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Stanley Park Brewery in Delta comes their "WinterGlow IPA" an India Pale Ale with mandarin orange. The beer pours an golden colour with a white head. The aroma consists of floral hops, mandarin orange and an overall citrus with some mild caramel and biscuit. The flavour is of mandarin, citrus, citrus rind, citrus, mild caramel, mild biscuit and mild bitterness. The alcohol content comes in at 6.4% with an IBU of 55. While this brew may not blow you away it is a well made standard IPA and well worth having in your fridge for when you have company!

Commercial Description: Enticing aromas of freshly peeled Mandarin orange blends beautifully with the smooth maltiness and vibrant hop character of this medium-bodied IPA.

check out my post on the Mandarin & Hops Get Fresh launch party.

WinterGlow IPA – Stanley Park Brewery
This entry was posted in India Pale Ale and tagged bc, bitter, bitterness, canada, citrus, citrus rind, craft beer, delta, hopped, hops bitter, india pale ale, IPA, mandarin, mandarin orange, mild biscuit, mild bitter, mild bitterness, mild caramel, stanley park brewery, winterglow india pale ale, winterglow ipa.

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