Soccer Magazine

WIN FREE STUFF: Weekly Pick'em Contest

By Thetoaststaff

Saturday, to kick off the start of the Premier League season, we announced a season long, weekly pick'em competition.  We're taking up to 100 contestants.  If we reach the 100, the winner (or highest placing non-Toast writer) will receive a FREE replica kit of their choosing, including printing, from (up to $120 in value).  If you're not familiar with onionbag, their kits are legit: custom printing, all Premiership-official sencilla lettering - exactly like what you see on the pitch.  If you're interested in playing (it's free, by the way), e-mail me at with your first name, last name, and picks.  You'll be added to the table and can start accumulating points this week!  Check the "Picke'em Competition" tab at the top for the latest match-ups and standings.       





K.A. Orris0272

Kim M.----

Rich S.----

Here's how the game works:
  • Predict the outcome of each match, including scores. 
  • Three (3) points will be awarded for each exactly-correct prediction, including the correct score.  
  • One (1) point will be awarded for each correctly predicted outcome, but with an incorrect score.
  • Zero (0) points will be awarded for an incorrect outcome. 
The results will be tracked throughout the season in the form of a table, not unlike the Premier League Table, and arranged by total points.  The winner will be the person who has the most accumulated points at the end of the season. 

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