Entertainment Magazine

William William Rodgers: William William Rodgers Hits the Floor

Posted on the 10 November 2023 by Hctf @hctf
William William Rodgers:  William William Rodgers Hits the Floor

English singer-songwriter William William Rodgers likes to hide by self-deprecating humor - and he is doing a fine job most of the time - but he is quite serious on his double A-side single William William Rodgers Hits the Floor. With Hanging with the Boys he takes a swipe at macho culture, wherein the lads build a unvisible yet sturdy wall to keep the less butch guys out.

The deceptively upbeat Top Me Up shows him drowning his insecurities at a party by getting raging drunk. He acts like the perennial outsider, taking notes and turning them into carefully songs that dig deeper than most of his competitors.

William William Rodgers Hits the Floor is a self-released single. Buy it from his website.

» William William Rodgers on Facebook

HCTF review of Four Nights at the Hotel Rodgers.

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