Things are so good, they could hardly be better – as long as we ignore the non-existent volume that this house of cards is being built on, of course. 80M shares traded on SPY is half of the volume we got during the sell-off but it doesn't take 2 up days to make up for one down day – not at all. In fact, it's only taken 5 up days with a total of 548M shares traded to erase 6 prior days of declines in which 860M shares were traded to the down side.
Still, we have to respect the phony technicals while they last and it's not like we're not willing to play along. Our Long-Term Portfolio remains very bullish, as we only expected a short-term correction anyway, and has jumped $13,000 (2.6%) since last Thursday's review. So GO MARKETS, from that perspective. We don't care if it's a fake rally – as long as we can make some real money trading it, right?
Yesterday we did a Live Trading Webinar (replay available here) where we reviewed a dozen bullish trade ideas in 90 minutes and today, at noon (EST) we will do a special presentation expanding on our "7 Steps to Constistently Making 30-40% Annual Returns" featurning two additional trade ideas and you can sign up for a FREE CLASS RIGHT HERE. Here's the intro video:
And what is step one of our 7 step program? Wait for a sell-off! Well, we just got one and that's why we found lots of things to buy. Despite our Long-Term Portfolio's impressive gains over the past two days, it's still playing catch-up to our Income Portfolio, which is up 7% for the year because we cashed it out at the top in March and now we are able to go on a shopping spree, picking up things that have gotten cheap in the recent sell-off.
The S&P may have come roaring back but it didn't bring everything back with it. CMG, for example, is still down 20% after an earnings disappointment but people…
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