Destinations Magazine

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Anyone with even a passing interest in growing exotic plants will be aware of Will Giles, gardener, author, tv personality who has over the last 30 odd years created The Exotic Garden in the center of Norwich. The garden is a blend of very tender plants and hardy plants with an exotic feel, and does transport you to another place. The garden to us has a very Caribbean feel, with extremely bright colours combined with lush large leaves.Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich
Hard to believe this photo is taken in the center of Norwich. The house, which appears to be a fairly traditional looking British home, has a balcony and verandah added to the front, which when festooned with jungly climbers and curios transforms the feel of the home.

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Tetrapanax 'Rex'

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich
In every direction the garden is packed with tropical and exotic looking plants.
Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Zingy and bright colours, clashing perhaps but looking very exotic

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Begonia luxurians

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Tall bananas - we have seen photos of the winter protection for the Musa basjoo, complemented by more tender bananas

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Succulents with more leafy plants, I really like this combination. Many of the succulents are in pots and I assume moved to more a benign location for winter.

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

A delightful cascade by the rear door of the house, the pool was home to a selection of koi.

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

I love the selection of bells hanging from this seating area. I think we may borrow this idea for our garden.
Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich
Norfolk or California?
Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

Will Giles Exotic Garden Norwich

A perfect end to our weekend away to Norfolk, and a few ideas that no doubt will appear in our own garden in due course :)

The garden is open every weekend during the summer, for more details see the Exotic Garden website.


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