Entertainment Magazine

Will Emma Finally Learn the Truth?

Posted on the 10 March 2012 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans

Dealing with family can often be challenging, but in the world of Once Upon a Time, the element of magic has made the family dynamic even more complicated.

Jennifer Morrison’s down-to-earth Emma had previously lived a rootless existence, but now she’s decided to stay in Storybrooke long-term, and her presence has begun to chip away at the curse the Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla) had unleashed on the town. While this has caused the residents to see changes in their lives that have put them on the path to learning their true fairy tale identities, Emma is also undergoing her own transformation. Although she’s currently unaware that the alter ego of her roommate Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) is actually both her mother and Snow White, living with her has made an impact.

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