Social Media Magazine

Why Your Blog Is A Failure

Posted on the 12 January 2013 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


Why do you blog? What made you decide to start blogging?

Blog image 300x300 300x300 Why Your Blog Is A Failure

This is a really important question and one that you need to sit down and think about, if you don’t get this answer right, your blogs going to fail.

“I want to make some extra pocket money” I hear a few cry

“I enjoy writing and its must somewhere to write” say others

Neither answer is good enough to encourage a steady flow of traffic and recognition as a blogger.

And attracting traffic seems to be the big question out there.

“How do I get people to read my blog posts”?

You write blog posts that you have passion about or you write about something that has helped you overcome an obstacle, because then you are writing posts that others want to read. Then you go out there and promote them.

If you’re a mommy blogger think about problems you’re facing right now or have done so in the past? All mums are experts in raising children. Offer some helpful posts to other mums facing the challenges you have overcome.

If you’re a mental health blogger share your story and fears. Offer your own thoughts and feelings on your illness and I guarantee many will relate to you.

Ensure the connections you make online are potential readers too. There is no point having 300 Twitter followers who are all “pet lovers” if you write about “Top 10 finger foods for your baby” –then again have you see the way some treat their dogs?

Your blog is failing as you have no focus to what your even blogging for!

Why Do I Blog?

The reason I blog is to inspire others, I blog to raise awareness of mental illness and taboo topics and prove that they do not prevent us from leading happy and successful lives.

I want to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness and provide a confidential space for others to speak out. I am a voice to those that cannot speak and I want to provide helpful answers to the questions others have.

Why You’re Not Getting Any Attention

How many blogs are out there?

How many bloggers write about the same stuff as you?

Why does nobody read your blog? Quite simply because your writing about the same old crap that everyone else is, or your content is great but your connections aren’t so good. Get out there and make friends before tweeting out your blog links.

You need to stand out

You need to have passion

You need to find readers who you can relate to you

I read many blogs – I also close down many blogs seconds after staring to read it if the first paragraph bores me – grab your readers attention early

I can think of a number of blogs that I will always remember, will go back too and read and will recommend onto to others

There are a handful of bloggers who I admire, now these may not necessarily be the greatest bloggers but they have “something” that I am just drawn into you.

These bloggers are successful as they can draw in a reader

What do these bloggers have that others don’t? Passion, pure and simple passion and an aim

If you want attention then go out there and get it, provide something useful to potential readers

Those with a strong passion will succeed. We all have “something” that we are passionate about.

Passion gives your blog posts a voice; I get excited when I write about a topic close to my own heart as I know it could help just that 1 blog reader out there.

Changing the world is the goal I aim for and while you may think I’m crazy and nobody can change the world, which is my aim. Changing the way others perceive mental illness, domestic violence or self-harm for example is my way of changing the world.

This is why I wake each morning and can’t wait to get the kids sorted and the housework done so I can start writing another blog post. I am driven to succeed by a desire to help others.

What is your passion? What help could you give to others via your blog?

Once you know that answer – then your blog becomes a success

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