Business Magazine

Why You’re Less Likely To Die In a Car Accident These Days

Posted on the 10 April 2014 by Webforjason

car safety

While we live in an era of intense concern over the dangers of distracted driving, the overall picture of traffic safety is looking bright.

Traffic fatalities in the United States have been on a long and steady decline since the early ‘70s. At its peak in 1969, deaths on the road reached 55,043. Fast forward to 2012, and that total is down dramatically to 33,561.

The reasons for the declining fatalities are many, from public health initiatives to improved driver behavior. Here's a deeper look into how things have improved.

Improved Car Safety Options

The Existence of Seat Belts. It may be difficult to imagine these days, but once upon a time cars were made without seat belts. While lap belts (or two-point belts) existed as an option prior to 1959, we have the Swedes to thank for making them standard.

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