Fashion Magazine

Why You Can't Buy What I Wear

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

In one of the many ways I am different from most style bloggers, is that I am not trying to make you buy stuff. Sure I introduce you to new brands and designers and boutiques, but nine out of ten of my style posts are of clothes that I have purchased myself. Nine out of ten times the exact same things are not available online. Nine out of ten times, it is something I have had in my closet for ages or something that was not mass produced and hence available in limited quantity and probably sold out.  What I am trying to say is that the purpose of this blog is not to feed consumerism. The goal is not to create clones of myself, or to dress everyone as mannequins with latest trends like window dressing. The goal is to inspire, to make people take pride in repeating clothes, to spark creativity in repurposing what they already own, to buy things that really add value to your closet and to cultivate style versus hoarding.  Everyday I am trying to practice: Less Is More. Not just in shoes and clothing but also in personal items, beauty, groceries, home goods etc.. It is harder than it sound. In the world of Instagram and Pinterest and in the name of "inspiration" there is a constant temptation to change, upgrade, add more, or buy options. And that is nothing but a form of acquiring "stuff" for no apparent reason. I have to consciously remind myself that if something isn't broken or can be fixed and looks good, then there is no reason to look for a replacement. For the longest time I thought I was preaching to the choir but in the last couple of months, I have received such positive feedback that it warms my heart. For the first time, readers have not only noticed but appreciated that I was not trying to "sell them a sale" or make them buy "stuff" to make pennies on the dollar (commission). I am not averse to making a commission (who doesn't like money!), but that is not what this blog is about. I cannot publicize what I don't believe in. I'd rather walk the talk.    Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot  Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Tenth Anniversary Shoot Photography via Drishti By Tania Chatterjee Location : Coffee Republic  Saree - Jharcraft (Ranchi, India)

Jewelry - Inherited + Some Random  Bag - c/o Boutique Mexico Shoes - From India


Can't What Wear

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