Debate Magazine

Why We Don’t Watch FoxNews So Much Anymore

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Yes, I’m talking about FoxNews, the flagship of conservatism in media.

I do not want to wear anyone out, or overly malign FoxNews. My wife and I are turning the TV to other channels these days for a few reasons. Here are some of them.


Reason #1. We need some good news.

Everyday will have enough battles, and we have decided to start our days seeking spiritual strength first. 


#2. News hype and fear mongering

As with the picture above, the reporting of some things is idiotic. It’s winter, and snowstorms happen even on the Gulf Coast. It’s not catastrophic. It’s typical.


#3. Fair & Balanced

What that slogan has come to mean is putting up with a parade of political operatives who lie without a tick of conscience.


#4. Bill O’Reilley

Listening to lecture after lecture by this buffoon, with all the Catholic commitment of Nancy Pelosi, is more than we can stand.

A little fairness & balance to my statement

We are glad FoxNews is out there. We recognize they are far better than ABC and its alphabet cousins. We certainly appreciate people like Hannity, Coulter and Gutfeld. We applaud all of these people and more.

It’s mostly that we are also subjected to Fair and Balanced ad nauseum, and would like to see some of the nation’s problems actually solved.

Yes, and did I mention that I can’t stand O’Reilley?

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