Fashion Magazine

Why Visit Germany? The Food, of Course!

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Why visit Germany? The food, of course!Hubby recently went away on business to Germany and for the first time, I wasn’t able to go with him (my passport has expired – have I really had it that long?). So I stayed at home and patiently awaited his return. I was excited to see his ‘holiday snaps’, however when he loaded the photos into the computer, they made me even more jealous of his trip: they were mostly of the wonderful food he’d been scoffing while he was away!

Why visit Germany? The food, of course!

By the end of the slideshow (full of frankfurters, waffles, sauerkraut and massive rye-brot sandwiches) my mouth was watering and I swore I’d never be left behind again! Luckily, hubby had picked up a few goodies while he was there and now I’m feasting on gorgeous salami sausages, good ol’ Milka chocolate, interestingly named Super Dickmann cakes and Nippon biscuits (plus plenty of Grolsch for hubby). Now where’s that passport renewal form?

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