Lifestyle Magazine

Why the Internet is My Inspiration [a Thank You]

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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With lazy days over the festive break and some scorching days where there was not much  to do but hide away in the cool confines of home, I spent a little more time online than I have been recently.

And picked up some absolute gems of inspiration on all my favorite subjects.

This is what I love about the internet ~ the collective inspiration; the sharing of ideas, thoughts and tips; and, the sharing of tools, downloads, printables to enact those ideas.

I also love being able to Google that actor’s name you can’t think of when you’re watching a movie or that song from way back when, but I digress.

I think this, too, is why I blog. To be a part of that collective in some small way. That my small corner of the world wide web gives someone else that same inspiration, brings a smile to their face or perhaps a nod of understanding.

As we jump into the new year, there are a few things I eager to try after being inspired by others so I thought I would share them here so perhaps you, too, can be inspired but also to say a thank you to those people for sharing the inspiration.

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Kate, from one of my faves picklebums, shared her ideas for keeping track of things this year with a modified bullet journal. I’ve also shared this idea before and really like the process but like Kate, find it hard to keep up with all the icons and points. So I’m going to test out her idea of a notebook, monthly calendar print outs and a more random approach. Here’s my version. I had a Typo notebook lying around [has a camera on the front, win!] and I taped my January calendar in. Now to get listing!


Chantelle, from Fat Mum Slim, shared on Instagram the idea of candy coloured prints, inspired by Matt Crump. Like her, I was blown away by his work and was eager to try out the technique, too. You can read his how-to here and Chantelle has a post about trying it out here. That’s my attempt with a shot of Sydney Harbour from the archives.

Nic, from Planning with Kids, who shared her reflections on her plans and lists for 2015 which included this great proverb: If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. Her whole post is a great one to get you thinking about how much to take on in the new year.

Kate’s beautiful series from the first is a great reminder to get out there with the camera and to tell a story. I need to take. more. photos.

And everyone on Pinterest, because, Pinterest.


Who and/or what is inspiring you at the moment? 

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