Community Magazine

Why Patients Need to Be Heard At Medical Congresses on Not Just CLL (chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) but on All Important Medical Issues

By Bkoffman
I was asked by friends to help with a campaign to ensure that the voice of informed patients be heard more loudly, more clearly and more often at large medical congresses such as ASH and ASCO. To that end, I shot a series of very short videos, starting with this one that introduces who I am and how I got involved in traveling the world, teaching my fellow patients and physicians about my disease, CLL and how patients approach their medical decisions.

Me in front of bleach painting by my son, Will Koffman
This video effort is directed at doctors, and is an important but smaller piece of my larger work that focuses on providing us patients with the best possible resources to educate and support ourselves in dealing with our largely incurable cancer.
So here is my first "ask".
Please complete this survey to help me and a team of patients, nurses and doctors across the world to meet the unmet needs of the CLL community.  It will take you less than 5 minutes to do.
We plan to start by constructing the most patient friendly, robust and relevant CLL specific website. 
We don't plan to step on the toes of the other great websites out there and replicate what already exists, but to make something different, deeper, and more accessible and searchable. Please remember that our goal is to meet the unmet needs of our community.
Next, we are going to build a facilitated network of CLL specific support groups across the country, linked by the mother website and a common goal to make sure we are all getting the best possible care for our particular circumstances.
We can't do this alone and we already have a strong team of folks in place: doctors, nurses, researchers, advocates and patients, many of whom you already know and respect from the videos hosted on this blog and/or their ubiquity in the CLL forums and other helpful sites.
Truth is that the CLL world has changed radically in the last few years, and what needs to done has outgrown the capacity of this humble blog. It will slowly morph back to my telling my own story and sharing my opinions, but in order to teach and support my fellow CLL patients, a IRS approved nonprofit 501(c)3, The CLL Society Inc. (EIN # 46-4131354) will largely be doing the heavy lifting, starting with designing a web presence from the ground up.
Tell us what you need in our survey and what is lacking now to guide us as we move forward.
Much, much more to share, but I gotta get ready for ASH. Talk about a crazy few days!
Later I will ask for more of your help and support in making this all happen. For now, please help us with the survey.
If you do want to make an end of the year tax deductible donation, we could sure use your support.
Though we have received some very generous support, this has largely been a self-funded effort to bring you the news, interviews and commentary.
Checks may be sent to:
The CLL Society Inc.PO Box 10546,Newport Beach, CA                             92658
Truth is I am humbled and a bit frightened by the enormity of the challenges I see ahead, but with your help, I am dedicated to making our shared goals a shared reality.
Stay strong. We are all in this together.If you want a personal response, or just want to stay in touch, please email me at [email protected]. I have no other way of contacting. Thanks. Stay strong. After all, we are all in this together.

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