What's that? Oh it's the sweet southern state of Georgia calling my name. I've only been to Georgia a few times but besides having a great time every time I was there, the fact that it's in the south is enough of a reason for me to be excited to go.
But more specifically, here are a few reasons I'm looking forward to our Georgia move (in no particular order):
1. Mild winters: Don't get me wrong, I love snow. I really do. I was born and raised in the snow belt and can't imagine not having snow on the ground at Christmas. However, I am truly looking forward to a little break from getting pounded with 300 inches a year (thanks a lot upstate NY) and enjoying less of a mess.
2. Drinking Sweet Tea on my front porch: Ok, so we don't even know if we will have a front porch yet but this just sounds like the most southern thing you can possibly do and it sounds like my own little piece of heaven if I do say so myself.
3. Trips and beaches: The closet "beach" to us now is on the shores of Lake Ontario and eh, well it's less than tropical or vacation like. I'm looking forward to Panama City Beach, Savannah, and other cute little beaches and towns being only a few hours away (cough Atlanta cough).
4. A change: As I've said before, as much as I've tried to put it behind me, Fort Drum just reminds me of Z deploying and the emptiness I felt that year. I'm so excited to start a new adventure and I PRAY we don't have to experience another deployment for the rest of his commitment to the Army.
5. Becoming a Southern Belle: I am so excited to finally get to say y'all and not get dirty looks... I always thought I should have been born in the south ;)
6. Sundresses: Need I say more?
7. Southern Hospitality: Although I really haven't experienced any negativity in NY, I'm excited to be surrounded by good old southern folk. I swear everyone is nicer down there!
8. Visitors: We only had a handful of visitors in upstate New York and who could blame them? There wasn't that much to see or do up here (except spend time with us) so I'm looking forward to people turning their visits into a vacation with us in Georgia!
9. A fenced in backyard: We had to move quickly last time when choosing housing since Z was deploying so soon. We never had a choice to look around and find a yard, nor did we have kids or a dog. Now, this is our top priority and will make it easier for all parties involved.
10. Columbus: I love the town of Columbus, Georgia. It's right outside of post and it's where we got married over Z's graduation from Basic Training. It's a super cute little town with a little strip of antique shops and ice cream stores and EEK I'm geeking out just thinking about it!!!!Are you from the south? What are some of your favorite things about living there?!
Here's to new adventures, y'all :) :) :)