Gadgets Magazine

Why, God Why?: Man Burns Brand New PlayStation 4 in a Microwave

Posted on the 17 November 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


Self-proclaimed professional microwaver, Kenny Irwin is a guy who likes to burn ridiculously expensive gadgets in a microwave, because he couldn’t find a better use of it. His latest masterpiece is a PlayStation 4.

Apparently, Irvin isn’t a total nutjob, he’s selling these burned PS4′s over at Ebay for $11,151.30, he’s calling it art. Although, the most insane part is how five people have already made offers. I really don’t see why they can’t buy a new PS4 for $400 and burn it in their own microwave. They could save thousands of dollars. And another question I have is, WHY?

Read Also: Watch This Guy Shoot a PlayStation 4 with a .50 Cal Gun

If you can bear to see a PS4 get microwaved slowly, watch the video after the jump.

[Source: Kotaku / YouTube]
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Follow @nrjperera - Roshan Jerad Perera

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