Photography Magazine

Why Felt Lonely?

By Saintgoody

I heard about a lonely man who receives lots of calls and text messages, around the globe, after putting some fliers about him being lonely. And it surprises me to know that there are millions of people who are indeed very lonely and I was wondering why? Recently I read about a son of a millionaire who commits suicide because he was depressed and lonely, and I was thinking what’s wrong with his family? Why did they let it happens to him? A questions that left me asking myself.  Money obviously doesn’t help him either way.  Anyways, I was too, been lonely many times, and during those moment in my life there’s just one thing I never give up doing, and that’s praying as often as I want, the more I felt so lonely, the more I pray because that’s my last consolation and that’s where my hope begins.  Loneliness opens me to the door of my nothingness, and the window of His love, the window of his power, the window of his creation and I am part of it.  “For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12:10

I hope you will enjoy all my photos and thoughts and wish somehow it will inspire you to live and be strong especially in moments of loneliness.  Thank you for reading my blog and wish you have a wonderful weekends.  Whenever you felt lonely remember I am here and God is always beside you, neither on your front nor back…but BESIDE YOU.  Smile and live life to the fullest.

Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?
Why felt lonely?

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