Fashion Magazine

Why Fear Failure?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Denim Layering
I was recently having a conversation with someone:
Person: I have learned that when you feel you can’t do something, you should try and switch that thought with how you must at least try.
Me: I think that’s a great perspective
Person: It is all about your state of mind. The vibes you give out in the world, are exactly the ones that come back at you.
Me: * that makes total sense *
This conversation got me pondering over my own actions. Am I scared of trying new things? Do I fear entering the unknown? I would like to believe that I do not. In fact, whenever an opportunity has presented itself, I have never ever thought, “what if I fail?”. I work with logic and economics.
 I am not an over-thinker and am quite decisive.

If something seems fun and attracts my attention (even if it is challenging), I jump in blind. Once something appeals to me, I straight away say, "Yes!". I do not have the fear of judgment or of failing. Neither do I have the fear of trying something new as long as it is within the parameters of my principles and personality. 

While I don't care about anyone's opinions when it comes to my personal life, there is also nothing in my life thus far that I look back on and think, “oh! I failed at it.” Everything I do, I take it as an experience. I have come to realize that knowing-or-unknowingly, I enjoy collecting varied experiences, and challenges. I have one life, so why fear failure?

[ Related: Are you a Yes person or a No person? ]
Denim Layering
Denim Layering
Denim Layering
Denim Layering
Denim Layering
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