Parenting Magazine

Why Do Babies Fight Sleep?

By Sakil King
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Why Do Babies Fight Sleep? Sleep is a vital part of life and it’s something we all need to function properly. But why do babies, who should be getting more sleep than the average adult, seem so determined to fight it? If your little one has been fighting this natural process, there’s likely an underlying issue you may not have considered. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why do babies fight sleep and how you can create better sleep habits for your little one.

Why Do Babies Fight Sleep

Why do babies fight sleep?

In short, babies fight sleep because of different medical or psychological factors that are out of their control. Some of the most common reasons why your baby might be fighting sleep include:

  1. A Dirty Diaper – Feeling uncomfortable in a wet or dirty diaper can make it difficult for babies to fall asleep.
  2. Overstimulation – Babies can become easily overstimulated due to spending too much time in an active environment. This can lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.
  3. Hunger – If your baby is hungry, he or she may be more likely to fight sleep in order to get their next mealtime.
  4. Anxiety – Just like us, babies can become anxious in certain situations. This can manifest itself as inability to settle and difficulty sleeping through the night.
  5. Overtiredness – Babies that are overstimulated or overtired may resist sleep, making it harder for them to drift off when put down for a nap or bedtime.

It’s important to note that these are just some of the potential causes for your baby’s sleep struggles. If any of these seem likely to be the cause, it might be useful to speak to a paediatrician or other healthcare provider as they can provide additional guidance and advice.

What causes babies to fight sleep?

A variety of factors can cause babies to fight sleep, including hunger, overstimulation and anxiety. Certain medical conditions like reflux or allergies can also contribute to difficulty sleeping. Additionally, it’s important to note that some babies naturally need more sleep than others and may require longer naps or more frequent night feedings.

How to help your baby settle and sleep:

Why Do Babies Fight Sleep

The best way to help your baby settle and sleep is to create a consistent bedtime routine. This includes bath time, feeding and a regular bedtime every evening. Additionally, establish consistent rules for nap time that involve a calm atmosphere, swaddling and soothing sounds like white noise or lullabies.

If your baby is still having difficulty sleeping, try to identify any potential triggers and address them. For example, if hunger or a dirty diaper is preventing your baby from falling asleep, make sure to address those needs as soon as possible.

Finally, it’s important to remember that all babies are different and that each one has their own unique needs. If your baby is having difficulty sleeping, speak to a healthcare professional for advice on how to best address the issue in an effective and safe way.

Creating a consistent bedtime routine and addressing any potential triggers can help make it easier for your little one to drift off into dreamland. With patience, understanding and the right strategies, you can help your baby establish healthy sleep habits and a happy bedtime environment.

What to do when a baby is fighting sleep?

If your baby is fighting sleep, the first step is to make sure you are creating an environment that encourages healthy sleep habits. This includes:

  1. Having a consistent bedtime routine – Routines help babies know what comes next and can signal that it’s time for them to settle down and sleep.
  2. Keeping the room dark – Darkness can help to promote melatonin, the hormone responsible for helping us sleep.
  3. Keeping noise and distractions to a minimum – Try to keep any loud noises or distractions outside of your baby’s sleeping area in order to make bedtime easier.
  4. Watching for signs of hunger or discomfort – Make sure your baby is fed and has a clean diaper in order to prevent them from fighting sleep due to discomfort.
  5. Swaddling – For some babies, swaddling can be comforting and make them feel secure enough to drift off into dreamland.

How do I get my baby to stop fighting sleep?

If your baby is still fighting sleep, there are a few things you can do in order to help make bedtime easier.

  1. Create a soothing environment – Soft music, white noise machines, or even lullabies can be great tools for helping babies settle down and get ready for bed.
  2. Be patient – It may take several attempts to get your baby to settle down and sleep. If they are still fighting after a few tries, it’s best to try something else before letting them become too worked up.
  3. Offer comfort – A gentle hug or cuddle can help reassure your baby that you are there for them and make bedtime more enjoyable.
  4. Take them for a walk – Taking your baby for a calming stroll around the block can help tire them out and make it easier to get them to settle down.
  5. Stick to the routine – A consistent bedtime routine is the best way to ensure your baby will have less difficulty settling at night.

Creating Better Sleep Habits for Your Baby

The best way to help your baby to sleep better is to create a healthy and consistent sleep routine. Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Set a bedtime – Establishing a regular bedtime can help your baby understand that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
  2. Limit stimulation before bed – Avoid interactive or stimulating activities in the hour before bedtime. Instead, it can be helpful to provide a calming environment with dimmed lights and soft music.
  3. Make sure they’re comfortable – Ensure your baby is wearing clean, comfortable clothing and that their diaper is changed right before bedtime so they don’t feel uncomfortable while sleeping.
  4. Offer reassurance – If your baby is feeling anxious or scared, offer words of comfort or a gentle touch. You may find that this helps them to relax and get ready for sleep.
  5. Teach healthy sleep habits – Encourage good sleeping practices such as staying in their own bed and teaching them the difference between day and night.

By following these tips, you can help your baby develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them in the long run. With patience and consistency, you’ll be able to create an environment where both you and your little one can rest easy.

We hope this article has helped answer why do babies fight sleep and how you can create better sleep habits for your little one. If you find that your baby is still struggling to settle down for sleep and nothing seems to be helping, it’s a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional who can provide additional assistance. With the right guidance, you’ll soon be able to help your baby get the restful sleep they need.


Q: How do I get my baby to stop fighting his sleep?

A: The best way to get your baby to stop fighting his sleep is to first identify any potential underlying issues that may be causing the problem. Common causes of babies fighting sleep include hunger, discomfort, overstimulation, and feeling overtired.

Once these issues are addressed, you can help foster better sleeping habits by creating a consistent daytime and nighttime routine, keeping the room dark and cool, and ensuring your baby is getting enough feedings throughout the day.

Additionally, you should avoid overstimulating activities before bedtime such as playing with toys or watching TV. Lastly, be sure to offer plenty of reassurance and comfort when helping your baby fall asleep.

Q: Why do babies fight sleep when overtired?

A: It’s not uncommon for babies to fight sleep when they become overtired. When a baby is overtired, their natural body clock doesn’t know whether it wants to stay awake or fall asleep, resulting in difficulty calming down and falling asleep.

Additionally, too much stimulation during the day can make it difficult for your baby to settle down and relax, further contributing to their resistance to sleep.

Creating a consistent sleep routine and avoiding overstimulating activities can help ensure your baby is getting the rest they need and prevent them from becoming overtired in the first place.

Q: Why do babies fight sleep at 3 months?

A: At 3 months old, babies are beginning to develop their own circadian rhythm, which is responsible for regulating when they should sleep and wake up. During this time, your baby may also be dealing with infant colic or reflux, which can make it difficult for them to relax and fall asleep.

Additionally, the transition from newborn to infant can be stressful, making them extra fussy and resistant to sleep. To help your little one get the rest they need, establish a consistent bedtime routine and address any underlying health issues that may be causing them discomfort.

Q: What does a baby fighting sleep look like?

A: When a baby is fighting sleep, they may appear cranky or fussy and have difficulty calming down.

Additionally, your baby may be exhibiting signs of discomfort such as crying, rubbing their eyes, yawning, fussing with their clothes, or trying to avoid going to bed. In these cases, it’s important to identify any potential underlying issues and address them before trying to help your baby settle down and fall asleep.

Creating healthy sleeping habits for your little one is a vital part of their development and well-being. By understanding why do babies fight sleep, you can better address the root cause of the problem and create an environment that will allow your baby to get the rest they need.

With the right knowledge and care, you can help ensure that your baby will be able to sleep soundly throughout the night.

Q: How do you put an overtired baby to sleep?

A: Putting an overtired baby to sleep can be a tricky situation. The best way to help your little one settle down and fall asleep is to first identify any potential underlying issues that may be causing them discomfort or making it difficult for them to relax.

Once these issues are addressed, you should create a consistent bedtime routine including activities like reading, soothing music, and plenty of reassurance. Additionally, keep the room as dark and cool as possible to promote better sleep.

Lastly, avoid activities such as playing with toys or watching TV before bedtime, as these can be overstimulating for your baby. With the right approach and understanding of why do babies fight sleep, you can help your little one get the rest they need.

Q: What are signs of sleep regression?

A: Sleep regression is a common issue among babies and toddlers. Signs of sleep regression include difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently throughout the night, sleeping less than usual, and resisting bedtime.

Additionally, your child may be extra clingy or fussy during this time. If you suspect your little one is going through a period of sleep regression, it can be helpful to identify any potential underlying issues and adjust your child’s bedtime routine accordingly. With the right approach, you can help your child get back on track with their sleeping habits.

Q: Will an overtired baby eventually sleep?

A: Yes, an overtired baby will eventually sleep. However, it is important to ensure that any underlying issues are addressed first. Additionally, establishing a consistent bedtime routine and avoiding overstimulating activities can help your little one relax and fall asleep more easily. With the right approach and understanding of why do babies fight sleep, you can help your baby get the rest they need.

Q: At what age does a baby start fighting sleep?

A: Babies typically start fighting sleep around the six-month mark. At this time, your baby may also be dealing with infant colic or reflux, which can make it difficult for them to relax and fall asleep.

Additionally, the transition from newborn to infant can be stressful, making them extra fussy and resistant to sleep. To help your little one get the rest they need, it is important to create a healthy sleep environment and address any underlying issues that may be causing them discomfort.

With the right approach, you can help your baby develop healthy sleeping habits and get the quality rest they need.

Q: What are some potential causes of babies fighting sleep?

A: Some of the possible reasons why your baby may be fighting sleep include hunger, feelings of being overwhelmed or overstimulated, feeling uncomfortable due to teething or other ailments, or not having a clear bedtime routine.

Q: How can I create better sleep habits for my baby?

A: Establishing a consistent schedule and routine around sleep is the best way to ensure that your baby gets the rest they need.

Create a calming environment in their bedroom, such as dimming the lights and playing soothing music, and make sure to avoid overstimulating activities like playing with toys or watching TV before bedtime.

Most importantly, provide your baby with plenty of cuddle time and reassurance to ease any anxiety they may have about going to sleep.

Q: What other tips can help my baby sleep better?

A: In addition to creating a comfortable environment, you can also try introducing a sleep-inducing routine such as giving your baby a warm bath and massage before bedtime. You may also want to consider using white noise or other sound machines to help soothe your little one into slumber. Lastly, make sure that your baby is getting enough physical activity during the day in order to tire them out at bedtime.

Hopefully this blog post has given you the answers to why do babies fight sleep and how you can create better sleep habits for them. If your little one is still having trouble sleeping, it’s important to speak with your pediatrician to determine if there are any underlying issues that may be causing their restless nights. With


No matter the reason why do babies fight sleep, it’s important to keep in mind that healthy sleep habits are essential for your little one’s development. By providing a consistent routine, ensuring comfortable bedroom conditions and addressing any underlying issues, you can help your baby make sleep an enjoyable experience. With patience and understanding, you can find a solution that works for your family and helps your little one get the rest they need.

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<p>The post Why Do Babies Fight Sleep? first appeared on Baby Best Double Stroller.</p>

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