Business Magazine

Why Date Constrained Projects Go Uncontrolled?

Posted on the 10 December 2013 by Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Why Date Constrained Projects Go Uncontrolled?It happens at times when you have a mission critical project with tight timelines from customer that increases its stake manifold, for which you place best of your teams comprising of high skills and experience, and on top of it you provide state of the art tools to tackle all kind of situations; and still the timelines are not met and things go out of control. It is always important to go for a deep analysis for such kind of failures to such an extent that the shortfalls are identified with their core reasons; and are sidelined once for all, for all forthcoming similar kind of projects.
It is well said that disciplined approach and hard work pay well in comparison to merely hard work. Well defined processes and procedures play a major role in this. If these are in place, it makes your tasks easier in managing and guiding your teams. Since there is no differentiation among teams and the standard procedures apply to everyone, irrespective of who and what, the same procedures need to be followed.
Growing these skills is as important for immature teams, as is for matured teams to keep nurturing and excelling in these.

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