Mirror, mirror on the wall…who’s the chicest compact of them all? Les Tai Tai Model Mirror, that’s who. How many times have you been in a club or dark-lit area and attempted to touch up your lipstick only to look like you applied it while doing jumping jacks? Or better yet, how many spinach or pepper-in-the teeth snafus could you have avoided by doing a quick mirror check?

I recently nabbed this adorable compact mirror and it was most definitely love at first (LED) light. This oh-so-genius mirror is thin, lightweight, and recreates backstage dressing room lights at the push of a button (which, as an added bonus, provides a rockstar-like state of mind). Think beauty essential with a fashion twist. This chic compact ($25) comes in a multitude of designs including Lush Leopard, Good As Gold, and Polka Chic. You can find these en-light-ening mirrors at Cos Bar, W Hotels, Dermstore, or online.
So when you’re popping Milk Duds and popcorn with your new date at the Snow White and the Huntsman premiere, you can rest assured no rogue kernels will make an appearance in that killer kill-a-watt smile of yours. No fairy tales or poison apples here, beauty mavens…just a clever way to touch up your makeup in any low-light situation. Happy illuminating…