Did you enjoy the last part of this series on Blogger How To's: How To Know What To Blog About? where I gave a few hints and tips on creating content for your blog? I reeeeally hope you did - it was quite easy for me to write about, like I mentioned, it came naturally to me and I really enjoyed it. I think the more bloggers are genuine and honest with other bloggers on how to help their blogs expand, the more fair it is. Yeah, we all have to learn lessons for ourselves, but I sooo wish I had someone who would give me this kind of information when I needed the help.

Anyways! Today's 'blogger how to' is all about PR's - who to contact, how to find them and what to say. Again, it's something I didnt know when I first started out and I learned the long and awkward way, so I hope this will help you to bypass the awkward stage of not knowing what to say or how to even get started.
Ok, first off, let's start with the 'Who'.
Who do you contact to get press releases, samples & event invitations? (we'll talk about your reasons more in depth later!) Well, you want to talk to 'press contact', 'press officers' or 'PR groups'. All of which act as representation for the brands.
But how do you find these contacts?
If you have a particular brand in mind, go ahead and do a simple Google search on (for example) "Estee Lauder Press" or "Estee Lauder PR contact" and you usually will be able to find some information on who to contact from that kind of simple search. Nine times out of ten, you will find a PR group who represent the brand - don't be put off - go onto their website and find the email enquiry contact and ask about who to contact in regards to press for your particular brand and you will most likely receive an email with the right people to talk to.
For those of you who were expecting me to list a few of my contacts - you should know that while I would love to share this information to help you, I don't think it's fair on my contacts - many of who I actually consider to be friends of mine. I think finding the contacts are quite simple when you know what to do to find them and so the information you see is all you're gunna get - please don't comment asking for specific emails because I won't be giving any out.
Another tip is to use twitter, linked in or Facebook to find press contacts - tweet the brand and ask them for their press contact and 9/10 they will respond with it and will be happy to be introduced to you.
Nows onto the 'what'...
I have a brilliant relationship with 99% of my press or PR contacts, I am very lucky to work with such an amazing group of people, but building relationships with them never comes from the first point of contact, nor does it come from listing a whole load of items you 'want' to be sent. Be genuine, treat people the way you would like to be treated and people will be nice to you. You're a blogger, not the queen, so don't go making demands or acting like you're doing them some sort of favour. You both are on an equal level and no-one is better than anyone else.
When you first contact a PR, introduce yourself & your blog, let them know how long you've been blogging for and let them know you're interested in their brand. Ask to be added onto their mailing list so you receive their press releases and wait for their response.
At this stage, you can let your press contact know which upcoming features you're working on and that you'd be open to featuring their brand if they would like to send across any samples. Again, be genuine and not pushy - I remember when I first started blogging, I had been blogging a month and got in touch with Clinique asking them to send me their entire range. You might think that was arrogant - you're right, it was! but when I started blogging almost 2 years ago, there were no guides or help like this to ensure I got on the right path and instead, I learned the long and awkward way like I mentioned earlier.
I work with over 50 brands and each one of my contacts treat me with respect and I treat them with respect.
I would recommend blogging for 6 months or more before contacting a PR for samples for several reasons.
- Stats don't build overnight, and stats are important to PR's - they understandably need to justify sending you a product - for example how many people will see the coverage and the audience that it will target.
- Build up a social media presence - let people know you're not going anywhere and set out a few rules. No swearing, good manners, good grammar and no brand 'blasting' are all things PR's look for.
- Longevity is important - if you stopped blogging for 3 months and then send a request for a product to a PR, chances are they will see your blog as unstable and are unlikely to send the product - be consistent.
The most important thing I can tell you is to do it for the right reasons. I thought "when I start blogging, people will recognize me in the street, I'll be rich and brands will be falling over me to give me products" - what a complete idiot I was. I soon realised that my blog was more than that and was my space in the corner of the internet, where I could meet new people, read new blogs, find confidence in myself and share some of my happiest and saddest moments with some of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of talking to... (that's you lot by the way!)
Blogging is an extension of your life, a representation of your personality. It's important you be 'you' - there is only one 'you'. You are not a gimmick, and neither is your blog.
I really hope you liked this latest guide thingymejiggy and I look forward to doing more in the future - I know they can be reeeeally long but I think the information I'm giving you is important and like I said earlier, I wish I had this information when I was in need of it.
Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or of ideas you'd like me to cover next and I will be happy to :) You can always tweet me @hollysbeautybox aswell.
Love Always,