I’ve really been enjoying searching for ethically made clothing. While the amazing designs initially draw me in, the stories and passion behind the companies really stick with me. I know that when I’m shopping for something, these memorable details are what will send me back to these companies to get what I need. On the other hand, I have encountered a few companies whose main passion seems to be focused on the negative that others are doing, rather than the positive that they are doing. I have to say, these encounters just make me want to move on.
I agree that it is very important that people be aware that many of the mass-produced clothing manufacturers use unfair labor practices and unsustainable methods of production. If people aren’t aware of that, then they have no reason to look for alternatives! But, people (myself included) aren’t going to buy something just because it’s not ‘that’. The alternative products have to be just as good or better. Some of the reasons I have encountered for not shopping from a large company is just the simple fact that they are large and profitable. Sorry, but that is not a good reason! There is nothing wrong with a company growing and being profitable. By the same token, because a company is small and local, is not, in and of itself, a reason to shop there. It sort of reminds me of those political advertisements where they just tell us what the other person is doing wrong, rather than telling us about what they have to offer. The best thing a company can do is tell us about their product and how it will benefit us!
As far as what we can do as consumers, rather than boycott companies whose values we don’t agree with, let’s give the attention to those who are striving to do good in the world. I came across an organization that is doing a great job of this, called Carrotmob. Basically, instead of saying “we refuse to shop here”, they say “we will shop here, if…” It’s a great way to influence companies in a positive way, and I think something that can inspire all of us in the way we approach these issues. Why would a company make changes if they don’t know what the people want? We don’t want companies to go out of business – we just want them to use their power for good rather than evil. Companies want our attention! So, if the companies who are getting our attention are the ones who are doing good, the other companies are going to have to follow suit.
The easiest thing for me is to find companies that are already striving to have a positive impact. But, I know there are times when we come across a product that we love that may have been made under questionable circumstances. In these cases, I say to just let the company know what you want! Let them know you love their product but want it to be made in an ethical, sustainable way. There is power in numbers, so you may even want to draft a letter that others can use and spread the word on a social media site (if you love a certain product, I’m sure there are others who do, too!)
Do you think boycotting a company can have a positive impact? If you love a certain product, would you take the time to contact the company about their ethics? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!