Nanaimo on Vancouver Island has a new brewery as of late 2015. White Sails Brewing is located close to the ferry terminal in what I would guess is downtown Nanaimo. I headed over on the ferry with my bike to check the brewery out.

The brewery is located in what used to be a neighbourhood pub across for the Maffeo Sutton Park.

The tasting room is really striking with lots of great timber accents and a nice big fireplace. When I was there they had 7 different beer to sample and get growler fills. Three of their core beers are sold in bombers also. The look of the place reminds me of photos of beer halls in Germany almost. They even have a patio in the summer.
The brewery is pretty small and located on the far side of the building. There are some large metal gates that block access to the brewery if the brewery is not in use. Luckily the brew master was on hand and I was able to take a walk into the brewery and see the system and the bottling machine.
One interesting note with the brewery that I learned is that they have a large basement that they plan on housing conditioning tanks, barrel aging, packaging possibly. If you find yourself in Nanaimo make sure to check this brewery out.
White Sails Brewing
125 Comox Road,
(250) 754-2337

About Mike
I am an avid outdoors man and hobby photographer who loves to spend as much time as possible exploring the beautiful backcountry of the Province of British Columbia and everywhere else! When not exploring nature though I am exploring Craft and Micro Brew beer locally and from around the world. If you love beer like I do please come on a journey for your taste buds. Who knows you just might find your next favorite beer!