Entertainment Magazine

Whimsical: Melt

Posted on the 31 March 2022 by Hctf @hctf

After reforming in 2015 shoegaze duo Whimsical have continued their quest to build towering musical structures. On their latest album Melt guitarist Neil Burkdool leaves it to singer Krissy Vanderwoude to add a bit of light. It is like a chrysalis slowly turning into a butterfly, a slow moving process that deserves undivided attention. Casual listeners will miss the gems and trinkets that are tucked away in the wall-to-wall guitar layers.

Melt is all about introspection, searching for deeper meaning and getting older. The music they love hasn't changed much, but lyrical priorities have changed. The days of youth have long gone and they find themselves in some kind of limbo, not sure where to go next, but adamant that they have keep going and working on it.

Whimsical: Melt

Melt is released via Shelflife Records (USA) and Through Love Records (Europe).

  1. Rewind
  2. Gravity
  3. Take All of Me
  4. Melting Hearts
  5. Crash and Burn
  6. Just a Dream
  7. Searching
  8. Quicksand
  9. Feather

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