A while loop is more versatile than a for loop.
A while loop just needs a condition to keep running.
Creating a while loop
- Add a condition.
for example
while ((rep<=10)
Run the look while the “rep” value is less than or equal to 10
- Add the staring condition:
let rep = 1;
- add the code to be executed:
console.log(‘lifting weights repetition ${rep}
- Add the counter:
let rep=1;
while (rep <=10) {
console.log('lifting weights repetition ${rep});
While Loop doesn’t need a counter
Random variable – throwing a dice until we throw a 6
We don’t know how many times the dice has to be thrown, so we don’t need a counter
let dice = Math.trunc(Math.random() x 6) + 1;
while (dice !==6) {
console.log('Your rolled a ${dice}');
while (dice !==6) is the condition – roll the dice whilst the condition is not equal to 6