That's our job as investors and even you traders out there try to spot trends with your little charts (so cute!). Investors tend to focus more on the data and yesterday, both Fed Chairman Powell and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin warned Congress that their continued failure to act and pass a stimulus bill is hurting an already weak economy. We can see that in the data trends this week:
- Chicago PMI – 58.2, weaker than expected by leading Economorons
- Pending Home Sales – Down 1.1% vs +1.5% expected
- Auto Sales – Slowing
- ISM Manufacturing – 57.5%, weaker than expected
- Construction Spending – Up 1.3%, better than expected
- Morgage Applications – Down 0.6%, much worse than expected

As we expected, Black Friday was a bust but you wouldn't know it reading the front page of the Wall Street Journal though there is an article about it here. It's titled "Shoppers Spent Less Over Black Friday Weekend" but I'd say they are underselling it just a little as in-store shopping traffic was down 37% and the people who did shop spent 14% less than last year. I know math is frowned up by Conservatives but I'm one of those annoying liberals who believes in facts, so it seems to me that if a retailer sold $100,000 last year and 37% less people shopped this year, that would be $67,000 but then if they spent 14% less on top of that, that then becomes $57,000.

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