Religion Magazine

Where Your Treasure Is

By Ldsapologetics
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21There is a theory that what's behind most cases of divorce is an issue bigger than financial woes or infidelity. An issue that boils down to how much we invest in our spouse and in our marriage.If the husband is not investing as equally as his wife is in their marriage then problems like infidelity and money management crop up.The idea is that what we invest in most directly translates into what we most care about.So if we put our marriage first, if we invest equally then we will build a marriage we treasure.Jesus teaches us that where our treasure is our heart will be also. We must treasure not only our spouse but our marriage as well. More than being husband and wife we are a team first and foremost.My wife gave up who she was, she sacrificed what little money she had, she sacrificed her time when she was overwhelmed everyday for the sake of being a good wife and mother. Her ex husband spent $50 a day on lunch for him and his girlfriends. And spent money on fishing gear for himself and refused to buy his children coats, boots and other such winter clothing. Eventually it took its toll on my wife.It took years for her to heal after having been used and abused. She knows now that her ex never was even capable of sacrificing for his children or his then wife.The biggest reason that marriage failed is the her ex husband never invested in his marriage or in his children.It took years for the uneven level of investment to destroy the marriage but it did.I have invested fully in my marriage, in my wife and in my stepchildren. And my wife has too which is why our marriage and family is as healthy and happy as it is.If you invest fully into your work you will grow to love that. If you invest in your house or your car that's what you will grow to love.People were made to be loved. Things were made to be used. But the reason the world is as it is is because things are being loved and people are being used.It's not always a matter of people not caring as much as having the wrong priorities. But wrong priorities translate to the wrong investments. Which then results in love misdirected.Invest in marriage, invest in family and invest in friends. Relationships make life worth living. Invest in loving God and all His children as Christ loved us.Where Your Treasure Is

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