My soldier Matthew is home from the sandbox for his mid-deployment leave! We visited my dad this past week to do some shooting, hangout, and just relax. Thought I’d share some pictures of our trip with you.
Dad’s gun range – no lane fees!
Matthew got to shoot the new shotgun he got me for Christmas.
I needed a bit of an assist with the .30-06 – that sucker weighs around 8 lbs!
We had a great time, even if I did have an accident. I was four-wheeling, going pretty fast, and missed a hard right turn. I wasn’t able to stop until I hit a big rock! Got a nice cut under my eye, some scrapes on my face, a “strawberry” on my leg, and a bruise on my palm (from the handle bar), but it was still fun
Matthew is home for one more week, then back to the sandbox for 6 more months
Going to enjoy the time I have left with him.Have a good week!