In this episode we learned that a Harry Potter reference can be used in any television show if you pick the right moment. I thought of the Harry Potter series twice while watching ‘Somebody that I used to know’. We learned that the phrase “You are mine” does not belong exclusively to Bill or Eric. Of course Bill has said it much more than Eric but I digress. We also learn that fae powers can be pooled to help read a person’s thoughts even if they are dead. We learn that sex between two wolves is extremely fast and hard. This episode did have some great moments, albeit they were few and far between. I have to say this episode moved slower than a tortoise racing the hare, I am not even close to kidding.

Alcide goes downtown….and I don’t mean Chicago
Alcide and Rikki are getting wolfy with each other in his bedroom and while it was primal and hot, it went on a little too long for my taste due to the fact that they both were growling too much like dogs. Alcide and nudity fans, you finally got your full frontal! I really could care less about the pack-master shit so I won’t even mention it. I bet you thought I was going to show the picture of him going downtown…sorry to burst your bubble!

Wild Child
I am so over Jessica and her spoiled “My Daddy is the King and get out of my mansion’ ass. Little Miss “I love human blood and not going to stop” continues to act like she is entitled to get whatever she wants and like she is the hottest thing since sliced bread. I don’t know, I guess I am just over her and her bratty ways. She pouts and cries more than a four year old who did not get any ice cream. Can I just stake her please? She can take Hoyt with her, the cast needs trimmed down a bit. She was kidnapped by the Cray Cray Obama-mask wearing supe killers so Hoyt could exact his revenge on her for breaking his heart. Well, needless to say he let her go with a well-deserved ‘fuck you Jess’. Next!

Luna wants to leave the hospital and Sam tells her she needs to rest. Well, she is not having any of that shit. She looks in the mirror and shifts into Sam, skin walking in his shoes. Lunasam tells Deputy Dewey/Kevin to mind how own G*D Damn business, I cracked up laughing with that comment and how he shook his ass! I have to say that Sam Trammel was absolutely brilliant in this episode playing Sam and Luna for he had Luna’s mannerisms down pat as well as her walk. There were some absolutely touching scenes between themselves as well and I really felt the anguish. I am glad she turned back into herself before Sam had to ummmm kiss himself! Andy was once again very funny in this episode and I hope it keeps up because he is less annoying this way.

Pam and Tara
Tara is forced to wait on Tracy (Tracy’s Togs), a girl she could not stand in high school. Pam glamour’s Tracy to let Tara do whatever she wants to her and Tara gets her revenge. I really do not have much to say about this except that I do love the dynamic between Pam and Tara; they will make a great team. However, I am not sure how I feel about Tara using her now being a vampire as a way to get back at the world she feels did her wrong. I want her to embrace being a vampire in a different way and let go of all that anger. We already have a self-loathing vampire in Bill (at least that is how he acts anyway) and we do not need another one.

High as Fucking Kites
One by one, all the Lilith-blood induced vampires walk out of the elevator, laughing it up and having a gay ole time in the wake of their savage killing. Who is going to clean that shit up I wonder? Russell is born again and thinks Lilith has great tits and wants to praise someone’s penis. Meanwhile Steve is hanging on to his every word and you would think he had never seen a man before. I guess it is time to say ‘Jason who?’ for he has moved on to Edginton, Russell Edgington! Nigel loves that he ‘ate a child’ for the first time in a decade and that Lilith wants him to eat a baby. Eric has had enough fun for one night and he walks out the room while super bitch Nora gives him the classic, sarcastic five-finger wave. Did I mention that I can’t stand her? Oh there will be more on that later. Eric is the only one in that room who kept their wits about them, thank Godric.

The Siblings Stackhouse
Miss Stackhouse is ‘dumping all her fairy light’ because she is tired of being a freak. I really love all the Sookie and Jason love that has been going on the past couple of episode and it is about time. Jason says some really sweet things to Sookie, although he could have left out the BILLSHIT altogether. Speaking of, since when is Jason on any vampire train, especially the Bill train? One minute, he hates vampires and the next he loves them. Make up your mind Stackhouse or should I say writers. Sookie and Jason take another stroll through the portal to Hot Wings to ask the fae about helping her find out what vampire killed her parents.

One minute Sookie was her mama and the next she was the vampire. Rut-Roh! Sookie psychically bonded to a vampire which is weird since she can’t read a vampire’s thoughts. Here is where I had my first Harry Potter thought. I do believe that her powers are growing and there is only one way for Sookie to have a psychic link to a vampire, can you say blood bond? Is this how the blood bond is going to be introduced? Well, only time can tell so we shall see. Sookie ends up remembering more of what she saw in the vampire’s mind and that was Claudine telling ‘Warlow’ to “leave the girl alone’ before she zapped him to Timbuktu. Near the end of the episode Sookie saw a misty face of ‘Warlow’ saying that he is coming to get her and that every classic line of “YOU ARE MINE”. Sookie is just only lucky bitch huh? Sookie meet Harry, Harry meet Sookie for you two are the only two I know that can psychically bond to a madman wearing a cloak. Just saying.

Lafayette channels Oda Mae Brown
I am glad to see the Lafayette of seasons past back, all than man wanted to do was hop in the tub and smoke a fat one but got waylaid by a very determined Arlene and Holly. They would like Lafayette to connect spiritually with the woman who cursed Terry with the joke monster, I mean smoke monster to see how to put an end to the curse. Our LA LA won’t do it for less than $300.00 bitches because he is tired of not getting paid. When Terry and Patrick arrive they see that a séance is about to happen and wonder what this is all about. Lafayette reminded of Whoopi’s character in Ghost when she was conning all those people out of their money, that is until the Ghost did show up and entered La La’s body. Lafayette speaks in Arabic and when the lady leaves his body, he tells all at the table that they only way to break the curse is that “Terry baby, you got to kill Patrick or he has to kill you”. The look on Terry’s face was priceless and once again I was reminded of Harry Potter. It really was reminiscent of the famous “Neither can live while the other survives” line from the popular books series. Did I mention that Patrick ran out of the house like a little bitch? Well, he did!

Bill’s flashback
I really did not care for the flashback of Bill simply because it seemed to be much ado about nothing. We saw Bill in 1910 visiting his ‘angel’ daughter on her deathbed and he would not turn her when she asked. I am not sure he really felt like immortality was a curse. He regrets not turning his terminally ill daughter. Once again, we are told one thing about Saint Bill but then we see something different on screen. Let me break this down for you, we have seen Bill in different time intervals and it all boils down to the same thing, humanity; of which he has none. Case in point, we saw him in the 1930’s with Lorena chowing down on the Chicago couple. Then, he had sex with Lorena while that poor young woman lay dying in the same bed. Humanity? I think not. My take on Bill is that if he had humanity, he would have never killed Uncle Bartlett in the way that he did if he had some compassion. If he had humanity, he would not have stayed under Lilith’s (supposed) influence. What we saw in this episode as well as the last that this is his true nature at play here.

In 1905, we see him with Lorena again, killing off Pam’s prostitutes and loving every minute of it. He has been a procurer for the Queen as well as Russell, picking out humans for them to feed from. The Queen was also looking for fae to give her the power to walk in the sun. Salome wants Bill to feed off a human who says she has children and he says he had children himself and cannot take her life. So Saint Bill can only take the lives of humans who have nobody to go home to? What we have seen is that he has had no such qualms about killing a mother’s child, meaning all his victims and the ones he has procured over the years. That theory/excuse does not wash with me and it never will because it goes against everything we have seen.

At the end of the episode, Bill comes up with the brilliant (please note the sarcasm) idea to bomb all the Tru Blood factories so it will force vampires to feed on humans. Well, that is some humanitarian there. Eric looks at him like he has lost him mind. Guess what he is doing?? Evolving! Bill, if this is what you consider evolving, then you have been doing that very thing for years. I do not buy into the notion that Bill is only going along with Salome and the rest of the crew just to take them down from the inside, like he has some kind of master plan. Good thing I had him pegged as soon as he walked into Merlotte’s, even if the writers or others do not. Lorena, Salome and Lilith cannot make someone do what they do not truly want to and Eric is a prime example of someone who fought that influence. Speaking of Eric, he is the only one with a lick of sense in this episode and I will get into that more as well.

I swear if I hear the word humanity to describe Bill Compton one more time, I will scream because it does my head in. I am of the opinion that in order to have humanity, you have to feel for all human beings and the fact of the matter is that Bill does not have that trait. Whatever humanity he had was killed the night Lorena turned him and I don’t think he had much to begin with. I feel as if they writers do not know whether they are coming or going with this character. I would again like to offer my services if they are in need of a continuity expert or hell, even another writer. I would gladly help out there trust me and it would be EPIC!
The Godric Siblings
Eric is the only one who is not being taken in by the powers of Lilith to which I will admit that he had some help from Godric. A part of me believes that Godric is really Eric’s conscience telling him that this shit is not real and not him at all. Now, Eric for someone who believes in nothing but himself and those he loves sure showed remarkable restraint and stopped feeding. I am not saying he has the humanity that Bill does not but he came back to his senses with help from Godric because he knew it was wrong as well as what the Authority is all about. Godric believes that Nora does not know it is not real and requests that he save her. I also believe that Godric had a profound effect on Eric in every way possible and he is now going to live up to the way that Godric thought of him, we all know what happened the last time he did not listen to Godric or his conscience. It is now biting him in the ass in a major way.

Eric finds Nora on her knees praying to the blood of Lilith. I was really touched with how much love he showed to Nora even though she betrayed him in a major way. He is still not over that but he will do what he can to save her and Bill, which is the only reason he is still hanging out at the headquarters of the Authority. Eric is simply biding his time at the Authority to come up with a plan. Eric does not get influenced by things like Lilith; he marches to the beat of his own drum. No one dictates to him what he can and cannot do. He is just careful on how he does what he wants, most of the time. He did not like the idea that he was controlled by something he does not believe in for even the smallest of minutes. Eric and Nora do have a beautiful moment together and seeing how much he loves her makes you want to hope he survives in saving her Lilith-addled mind.

Well, that is until you hear her say “Fuck Godric” and Eric is promptly ready to throttle her and at that moment I was like “Do it Eric, kill the ungrateful little bitch”. Alas, he lets her go and she leaves him with a kind of “Lilith will show you the way’ bullshit and with bloody tears in his eyes. This is also where Nora and I part ways as well for she really is an ungrateful little bitch.

Eric, do you need a hug or anything else?;)
Well, I think I covered everything I cared to talk about. All in all, the episode was okay but I kind of felt a sense of déjà vu in that last season’s episode 8 was the start of a downhill spiral for the show and this season’s episode 8 felt very similar to that. I can only hope that I am wrong. What did you think of the episode? As usual, sound off below.
*pictures from HBO, Skarsgardfans Daydreaming and us*