Family Magazine

When Should You Stop Bathing with Your Child?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
When should you stop bathing with your child?


Thankfully our bath is on the smaller scale so I have a great excuse to say “No” when the younger kids ask if they can get in the bath with me, I never get to have a bath in peace. Normally Kia my 3 year old will always push the door open and appear.

I end up sharing my bath with rubber ducks and plastic cups oh and if I am lucky she will also tip some toothpaste in the water for me too…

She has asked about my boobs, my lady garden and after a quick reply she’s happy with that and doesn’t prod or try to touch. She knows girls have boobs and front bums and the boys have tiddlers. Its not an issue being naked in front of her, I don’t even think about that part of it.

Kia would love to strip off and climb in the bath with me every night but I try to get one decent bath alone each week without her. She has climbed into the bath with me many times and will happily chatter and play away, but my husband would never dream of having the kids in the bath with him, despite them being 1, 2 and 3.

It makes me wonder what age you stop bathing with children? Is there an age at all or more so when they stop asking?

What do you think? When should you stop bathing with your child? Leave me a comment to let me know your views.

This post is a debate corner post by The Real Supermum

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