but here I am...

I've been able to sneak in a little creative time in betweenand have been working on some little sewed pieces for the shop.

the base on this one is an old cabinet card

and some little tea bag art pieces

finished houses

I was lucky to get my hands on an old quilt piece to use in my creations.I just love those old worn pieces - they are perfect for my stitched pieces

in the making...

and the finished pieceI really like this piece.it's in the shop nowhere's a linkwww.tinajensenart.etsy.com
and some exciting news
I've been publiced in the new somerset SEWwith several articlesand I made the front page too - I'm really excited about this.I's a great honourThank you so much Stampington

all for now
wishing you all a beautiful day