Society Magazine

What We Can Learn from Republicans and Mass Murderers

Posted on the 07 January 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

I tried to reblog this important post by Doug Parris of  The Reagan Wing yesterday; but, WordPress didn’t co-operate.  So, I’m posting a few excerpts as an enticement to read this riveting piece at The because it deserves the widest possible exposure.  ~LTG

…..Adam shot his way through a locked glass door, confronted Ms. Hochsprung and Ms. Sherlach, the school’s principal and psychologist, and dispatched them both with momma’s carbine.  There were no confrontations after that. Hundreds now fled before Adam. The demon danced inside him and the children hid and their elders cowered, helpless in the kind of self-defense-free zone typically constructed by the American Educational establishment.

Let the bodies hit the floor…”

This could not have happened in 18th Century America. But now it happens over and over. We have become a people universally depending on “the system” for our basic needs. The children were told to hide in closets or huddle in bathrooms or corners and wait to be rescued. Their elders hid, too….

Each different time it keeps being the same.

Remember Ismail Ax?

That was the “super villain” identify, the “face” Korean-American and Virginia Tech English major Seung-Hui Cho took on when he filled the title role in the same nightmare in 2007. It is as if the outline of the scenes has been distributed from Central Casting. Cho transformed himself into a character of imagination, fully armed, equipped, and costumed. And in his final appearance on Earth, he was pagan-god-like, dealing death, unimpeded through 32 victims on the Virginia Tech campus before taking his own life. The story includes the impotence of the police and victims obligingly assuming roles as sheep.

We know that even after they realized a killer was loose, students and faculty both, sat frozen in their seats, waiting for others to decide their fate.

We first chronicled the story here.

That ingrained and epidemic inertia, that sheep syndrome, that makes adults hide under desks and in closets with children, waiting to be rescued, is at the root of America’s crisis.

It is the same inertia that Western economic consultants found in the human wreckage remaining after the fall of the Soviet Union. Men and women who had become sheep… an entire culture that had forgotten basic human skills, compliant subjects waiting to be ruled. Socialist fodder.

The killers wave guns like wizards’ wands and bring it forth… summoning the slave heart beating in the chests of the new disarmed American.  And the socialists call out for more disarmament.

They’re working together, you know.

The socialists and the killers have the same spiritual father and the same ends in view.

And they are coming down the hallway of Classroom America, dressed in black with death in each fist. Butchering property rights, exterminating national sovereignty,  attacking industry and agriculture, fomenting famine in the name of the environment, eradicating sexual morality and love, recycling rapists and literally slaughtering innocent children by the thousands.

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