
What to Look for in a New Imaging Unit

Posted on the 16 November 2012 by Jon Baucom @SidekickMag

As an endodontist in New Jersey, Dr. Brian Trava knows the standard of care is changing dynamically in relation to the technology that is available. That’s why he’s provided a clinical perspective on what to look for in a new CBCT 3D imaging unit.

There has been a rapid influx of 3D imaging machines on the market, but not all machines are right for every practice. Multi-modality endodontics (MME) is the use of multi-modality imaging machines to treat our endodontic patients. A Multi-modality machine (MMM) allows for 2D imaging, 3D imaging, a true panorex, periapical imaging, and a true “Super Bitewing.” A good MMM will have the capability to render varying size 2D and 3D images. If radiation exposure is an issue, the machine should have the ability to blend a variety of mA/kV and be able to apply them in multiple-size 2D or 3D images. Make sure your salesman or dealer is specific about these.

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