Society Magazine

What This Do-nothing Congress Ought to Do

Posted on the 09 July 2014 by Morage @kebmebms

What this do-nothing Congress ought to do

First things first, Congress needs to fully fund the Highway Trust Fund before it runs out of money in a few weeks, in August. Our highways, bridges and the like need enough attention already. That they haven't seen to this piece of work, either, is completely irresponsible.
Then, after that, they need to write, propose and pass a jobs/infrastructure bill so we can repair all that infrastructure, coast to coast, and help get America back to work at the same time.
Do Republicans Want America to Become a Third World Country? 

The federal Highway Trust Fund is expected to go broke in early August unless Congress comes up with a new source of revenue to augment the federal gasoline tax. If the fund dries up, road and bridge construction projects could be put on hold across the country during the peak of the summer construction season. Altogether, an estimated 112,000 construction projects could be cancelled and 700,000 jobs lost.  The Vermont Transportation Agency already has announced that it is poised to delay 38 bridge, rail and road projects.

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