Debate Magazine

What the Polls Say: Will Republicans Gain a Majority in Senate?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

So much hinges on the election tomorrow, November 4.

  • If the Demonrats keep their majority in the Senate, and the Republicans keep their majority in the House, we’ll have two more years of President Ebola doing what he wants, ignoring Congress by issuing executive orders (or not even that), and two more years in which a Democrat-controlled Senate would approve Obama’s Supreme Court nomination(s).
  • If the Demonrats keep the Senate and win a majority in the House, then all hell breaks lose. We’ll go back to the first four years of the POS’s presidency, in which the Republicans can’t even mount a feeble effort against his agenda. Remember Obamacare? This time around, we’ll get gun control, amnesty for illegals, death panels, and whatever else in the evil POS’s Pandora box.
  • Only if the GOP keeps a majority in the House and wins a majority in the Senate is there any hope (no guarantees) for derailing the POS and his road to Hell.

So, what are the polls saying?

To begin, no poll expects the Republicans to lose the House. On the contrary, the expectation is that Repubs will gain even more seats in the House.

On the probability that Republicans would gain a majority in the Senate:

Click here for Senate races in Kentucky, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Iowa.

Here’s a quote, from Washington Post:

Prominent Democratic strategists are growing increasingly nervous that the national political environment is not only bad for their side but is moving in the wrong direction in the final days before the election, a trend that could not only cost them control of the Senate but also visit double-digit House losses on the party. “The environment has settled and it’s bad,” said one senior Democratic party operative closely monitoring the party’s prospects this fall. The source added that Democratic candidates’ numbers among independents and seniors — two critically important voting blocs — have begun to erode; “they are just not as friendly to us as they once were,” the source explained. In conversations Wednesday with more than a dozen Democratic strategists deeply involved in this campaign — a few who were willing to speak on the record, a majority who were not — there was a widespread pessimism about the party’s chances Nov. 4.

Everything depends on turnout.

Democrats have soured on their toxic infatuation with the POS. Their lack of enthusiasm will depress their turnout, which is why desperate Demonrats are resorting to the worst kind of fear-mongering and race-baiting.

In Alabama, fliers distributed in largely black communities warn voters to cast ballots or else they’ll lose their food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, and even “land may be given to extremist groups to honor klansmen.” Here’s a copy of the flier, obtained by The Washington Times:

Alabama 2014 Dem flyer

Using the Ferguson shooting of Mike Brown, Democratic campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest, and the Ku Klux Klan. Here are two images (source):

2014 race baiting1

If you think the race-baiting and fear-mongering are too absurd to be believable, think again.

Just this morning, I was in a Twitter war with a FOTM reader @JusPauperum1 who insisted, but could produce no source citation or evidence, that the GOP’s “economic policies explicitly deny care for the poor, the sick, and the unemployed,” and the GOP wants to “eliminate SNAP [food stamps], unions, unemployment benefits, and healthcare” [meaning Obamacare].

@JusPauperum1 even claimed that the GOP bailed out Wall Street banks, when it was the POS who did the bailout. His/her ignorance and brain-washedness are nothing less than stunning.

So, fellow patriots, do you really want another two years of Ebola-gate, open borders-gate, IRS-gate, VA hospital-gate, Benghazi-gate, Fast ‘n Furious-gate, NSA surveillance-gate, and a disastrous and adrift foreign policy?


And if you see voter fraud at your polling place, here’s a free phone app for your mobile phone to report voter fraud. Click here!

See also:

  • Election 2014: If you vote Democrat, you’re going to Hell
  • U.S. State Dept memo on bringing foreign Ebola patients to America
  • Non-citizen voters gave Obama the edge in 2008 and 2012 — and will in 2014 if we don’t do something about it


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